Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You bet that's a DAM! :)

So today was like the coolest day ever for tours!! We got to see the Roman part of Spain via the city of Merida! I LOVE Roman achitechture so this was totally exciting. and i loved it

For all my cute little carpooligans reading this blog; this is  me being a greek god. and stephen and finkmeister.  unfortunantly neptune wasn't a god at the time; i didn't bother remembering the god/goddness that i was because non eof them are really that important except neptune. hehehehe
also that small child is graham, the child/small terror of one of the teacher's here. i made friend with him today and i will talk about him later.

Dear Kyndall this is what i wanted to show you. this is the picture i took and said "omgsh, i can't wait to show this kyndall; she is going to be so excited!!
its. here. i found it. we can stop searching :) Rory was there; he says hi :) hehehehehe

So the first thing we saw on this tour was  a really neat structure that used to be a market place. It was at this time that it was revealed to me that i am apparently a crappy picture taker. APPARENTLY i always take them crooked an dlike cut of either major parts of buildings or like minor parts just enough cut off so that is looks weird and I and just a scrub. WELL GOOD THING I'M NOT A SENSITIVE PERSON!(or in photography school. so finkmeister was complaining that all her pictures were flawed basically and that all mine were perfect because she took them. well someone has a high opinion of themselves! hehehehhehehehhehehhehe. here's an example
this is the picture i took

brynnan fink took this one.....
if you ask me (which you did because you are reading this) then i would say brynnan a littl finicky. bahahahhahahhaha. i am a little pleased with myself :)

So the next thing we did was tour an amphitheater combined with a place where gladiators fought; a sought of coliseum if you will! it was SUPER cool :)
 dear mom, at the entrance they had these beautiful flowers, maybe you have heard of them before? i think they are called.......geraniums? yeah they seem to just grow beautifully here and flourish so nicely....
i guess in spain their geraniums don't have the natural predator of the ball de basket :) hehehehhe

there was also another SWEET public drinking fountain:

Okay so on this trip like i mentioned earlier, one of the teachers brought his family along with him. He has son, graham 5, and a daughter, claire 7. Claire is PRECIOUS she is a complete delight to be around a really good older sister and very well behaved and totally rockin. then there is graham. i think you all have a cousin or some younger person in your life. they are completely psycho like all the time and just run amuck with no discipline what-so-ever. well that is graham. today i made friends with graham:
we were lions together! this is in the den where they would keep the lions for the gladiator fights:
this is me and brynnan at the entrance to the coliseum (they just called it a theater though):
and this is me inside the "theatro". please take note of the EXCELLENT photography of brynnan fink. you can practically see this entire structure, its so beautiful. and notice how there is a background a foreground and everything! you would think she went to photography school or something but SHE DIDNT!! hehehe

it was after this trip though that graham and i got really close. we went to the amphitheater next and he decided it would be a good idea to have a gladiator fight...

needless to say i won :) hehehehe

This is the Theater:
and I was in the theater :) otherwise known as my true calling
yes i have quite a flair for the drama. maybe? the great thing about spain is everyone is pretty much on my level here and they get just as animated about most things as i do.

okay so now its time for your favorite part of the blog segment aka my infamous side stories.
So i get kind of a bad rap sometimes among my lovely friends for dressing sort of mom like or even on occasion when they feel particularly naughty (people LOVE the word naughty in spain) then they say dress like a grandma. So be that as it may, when I was preparing for spain i knew i would be walking around a lot so i knew i would need good shoes. So the lovely sharny (she's much more on my shopping level) and I went to whole earth to buy some shoes. I think i tried on like very pair of shoes this place had to offer. when it comes to comfort and options, there is not much to chose from. and then if you want cute, well good grief, i would then call you a spoiled brat. so after like an hour, shannon and i have racked up a huge tower of shoes and i have finally decided on a pair of shoes that i really like and think are cute. Shannon has also assured me that these are a good option. well KYNDALL, the first time she sees them just laughs. jerk :) hehe. WELL that was the very extensive pre-story. now spain story.
so i'm walking along to the tour spot and i am talking to the professor's wife who looks like early to mid 40s.
her: "oh are those shoes clark's?"....(they are :/)
me: errr yes they are (great....why did she know that)
her: yeah i tried those shoes on and had them for like a month and then decided i don't like them
So fantastic, no only do i have mom style. i have UGLY mom style. and this lady isn't exactly super hip. she is pretty frumpy. so even frumpy mcmom pants thinks my shoes are uncool. lame. well i like them. and guess how often my feet hurt when i'm walking aroudn all day. YEAH TRY NEVER. i love my shoes and i love my style. thanks and GIG THEM ehhehehehe.

So all day it had been threatening to rain. and when we left the city the sky opened up. Our next excursion was a dam!!! and i mean really what better occupation for your time when it is POURING down rain and lightening then to visit a GIANT body of water that humans put there. but yeah we got to see this dam and it was pretty much the coolest thing i have ever seen. it totally convinced me that water resources rock and i watch to do them for the rest of my life:
Also i keep telling ya'll (vosotros) about our precious little helpers on the trip. they go everywhere with us and they organize things and just help with stuff we need. maia and maria isabella. they are so CUTE and always look fantastic and are just such troopers and i captured this little gem of them:
maria isabella is on the left (izquireda) and maia is on the right (derecha). i LOVE them. they are just fantanstic!

Dude then we got to see an aqueduct! TALK ABOUT INCREDIBLE!!! i was obsessed and this is what i really wanted to see, they are amazing and idk its just nerdy hehe
don't worry; we got closer.

Next we got to see ANOTHER DAM! aidghbladugaoeukha mrack!!!!! so the first dam we saw was (<-- palindrome alert) and earth dam, which means it was made of like rocks and stuff and then filled in with a cement and help in place by earth and buttresses. and we got to go into these tunnels inside the dam and i won't bore you with all the details but IT WAS TOTALLY WICKED. all you need to get out of this is DAMS ROCK
 oh btw; i had a GORGONZOLA cheese pizza for lunch so i am totally trying new things here:

SO after the dam we just went back to our hotel; thats all i have for today too guys :)

love you ,

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