omgsh you guys. i ahd a fantastic day! and do you want to know why i had a fantastic day? yes you do, because you are reading this blog therefore you adore me (mas o menos :) hehehehehhe) rmack!
I had a fantastic day becuase i had the best breakfast here that I have had all freaking trip. we are staying a four star hotel and it is just peachy. also we didn't have to up until 9. woohoo!! dfliguhasfpildkhtdg.
and another reason this breakfast was particularly fantastic was because i had MILK for the first time since I have been here. it was so needed and so freaking good. and then i had a shot of expresso. yeah, just a shot, they have little keurig type machines that are for expresso shots instead and i did one, so if anyone knows emily on expresso its basically like normal emily but she talks faster, jumps higher, ect. and she is way cooler too :) laisdfubhlafkjhganselikgmn,bdfs,jdyujpdfljtg/lakxdfghaldso.uef,kn. adn does that a lot hehehheheheheh.
Today we went on a tour of caceres. more old buildings
more OBSOLETE old buildings. seriously spain, no wonder you can't get anything done here, all you building space is being used up buy worthless stuff. i mean granted its cool but learn from the country that is only 200 years old and manages to demolish stuff only like 30 years old like there's no tomorrow (i'm looking at you MSC)...
We did get to see a really beautiful garden in another palace though,. and i liked that :)
And then i saw ANOTHER church
This tour was actually infinitely cooler than yesterday's tour i was just looking at the pictures in the order they occurred and this tour definitely got better as it went along.
first cool thing: we got to go to this SWEET underground museum. it was a museum about prients and it was like mega cool (literally). and we got to see the cistern for this palace that was converted into a museum. since i love water i deemed this cistern totally wicked:
So yeah it was this cool priest museum and these are the priest costumes:
and then we got to go to this really sweet palace that had been converted into an arms museum. i thought about my dad and my brother at this one, but it was cool because for once we actually got to GO INSIDE THE PALACE for once (usually they only let us into the gardens) and there were arms on the wall but also it was decorated so we got to kinda of see what one would look like..
so everyone, i mean everyone in spain smokes. it is not a big deal at all here, i'm pretty sure you could be like its going to kill you and they would be like well if it doesn't something else will. they could care less. the like social thing to do in between classes is to go outside and have a cig with yo friendsss. con sus amigos :) so yeah there are hookas pipes here and this palace is no different:
I imagine this is something like what my house will look like next
oh by the way tabester: i taught everyone cara de chupe :) they love it. i am the cool funny spanish girl now. hehehehheeh not really, i'm still me ya dig? :)
also since we are side notes: macho man with a vertical challenge tried AGAIN today to tell me that i'm taller than i say i am; i politely just ignored him...then promptly turned up my nose and pranced away (so that second part wasn't real but i did just ignore his advances on my height....get a life).
Okay so one of the things that made this day so great was the story I am bout to tell you. So like i think i have said in previous posts, our tour guides speak english but its clearly not their first language so language gaps are bound to happen. So we finish up with one of the spots we are looking at and the guy i slike "okay now we are going to see the house of the monkey...." Everyone is like "did that guy just say monkey.....?" we ask him for clarification and he is like yes monkey.....? what? my thought on the matter is this dude probably meant monk's house or something and he is having trouble with the plural (maybe he should listen to brian regan)
Well we get to the house and this guy really did mean monkey :) turns out this house a legend and its the legend of the monkey.
So this old man marries a young woman and as her wedding present he gets her a monkey; well the monkey also comes with a black slave to hold to monkey and such. because really what noble can be bothered to hold a monkey? (take note kyndall, we can have monkeys, we just can't touch them).
SO the lady gets pregnant and gives one ever sees the baby. the legend says that the monkey raped the baby and then the black man ran off after them.....
raped? i know what you're thinking did i read that word right. we ask him to clarify again and he says yes be fair i was wrong about the monkey so i'm trusting the dude on this one. Then Maia (our cute little host girl) goes up to him and starts taking to him and she's like nooooo, its kidnapped! and we were all like ooooh yeah that makes a lot more sense. wow what a terrible time to have a language lapse haha.
so in case you didn't figure i out the baby came out black and so the nobleman had to slave and baby killed....and then i was thinking about it later and i suppose he had the monkey killed too, which just made me sad; what a bummer for that animal!
Then I had more migas for lunch! :)
Most of the city however was closed down for this like festival they were having which we watched a procession go down the street and I got a video of it but i have no idea how to upload videos to this thing so , your loss i suppose.
Once we were done with our tour we just walked around town some more and i got this little gem:
and this next gem is for my belle michelle! :) (i'm trilingual btw). but its a sunflower that is taller than me!
So anyone that tells you that spanish people don't like the get drunk is a lying fool. we were walking around town and we just saw this guy passed out in the middle of the sidewalk. yes ITS 2 IN THE AFTERNOON and you can see where a bottle has rolled away from being clenched in his hand.....yeah so about that....all of us in the group are like should we do something (i'm seeing a sign /symptom of alcohol poigoning here carpool....)?? the guy is breathing....and i mean we put him in the recovery position but to be honest, we don't speak spanish and we don't know any sort of emergency number, but this whole scene took up like 30 minutes of our time and it was pretty exciting :)
also they serve beer in mcdonalds....yeah the spanish don't like to drink? jokes on me.
we got back from caceres at like 5 or something and then we had two hours to chill so i skyped with my parents (that i miss so much) and sharny arny army :) :) i like her a lot. and i miss her sweet face so it was good to talk to her; and work out some fun spanish stuff :) hehehehehe quiero un brazo!! hehehhe
Then at 7 we got to go to this spanish fair, which was pretty much the equivalent of a spnish county fair or something. it totally rocked though!!! i rode this really sketchy ride and totally owned it :)
and i got CHURROS!!!!!!! ahhhhh aslifguyahsetgiufhdriogdfyhrlids they we so freaking delicious. i love churros. i actually went back and got more :) yum yum yum in the tum tum tum! :) hehehhehe
yeah but thats all i have to say for now...also if you know and appreciate what the word vale is (its kind of a slang word here...); just know that i used it successfully and it rocked. go team me! :)
i love you and i miss everyone,
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