sorry i didn't post yesterday! I think I'm still kind of jet lagged and so when I got back to my room yesterday and texted approximately 3 people to see if they would skype and then they all turned me down (way to miss me guys...) then I just called me mom and peaced out with sleep :).
So I had an incredibly exciting day again yesterday! Everyday is so packed with stuff and it is super great!!
So I might say this everyday but I love it here. I love the Spanish people (Spaniards?...I should probably figure out what to call them in spanish....) but anyway after breakfast we go to culture classes to learn about the culture in spain so we don't do anything stupid (and since i don't have kyndall mandry here to remind me not to say anything stupid this is incredibly helpful hehe) :) por ejamplo (yeah thats for example hehehe) you're not supposed to tip in most restaurants, it's considered rude. woot.
My spanish culture teacher is PRECIOUS!!! I love her so much, I'm pretty sure we should be best friends. She is super animated and speaks only in spanish and basically if I knew spanish this job would be perfect for me. She's always jumping around the classroom and had to like move the chairs so she would have enough room to teach. ahhhh i love her hehehe. and naturally she is completely fabulous like everyone else in spain.
So the thing to do in spain (as told to us by our cultura professor) is go tapas hopping...and its sort of hard to describe but when you order a drink here you get an appetizer type thing (tapas...btw i'm not sure if that's how you spell it but thats how it sounds) FO FREE :). So you just go kinda of bar hopping and you get different appetizer's at all the bars and thats what's cool.
Since I am of cool a really cool person I went tapas hopping yesterday with esteban y brynnan (kind of a lame translation eh finkster).
so thats my tapas which is sort of a bacon sandwhich type thing with fries (con patatas). Also you may have noticed my giant pina colada, yeah, thats what allows me to get the free tapas. WHy am I not in this picture you ask...well that is an excellent question that i have an equally less impressive answer for. Basically I am a complete newb and need to focus more on taking pictures and taking pictures with me in them...i only took like 4 pictures today. GET A GRIP EMILY!
Okay, so i kind of skipped ahead, tapas were at the end of the day. Let me begin at the beginning...
So last night i'm on facebook and i start stalking this other girl's blog and she is super funny and it was a great blog and she is recollecting this story about this horrible tour guide she had to endure that was so boring and it how awful it was. Here's my thought: dude everyone in spain is HILARIOUS and so animated and precious...i'm really glad that's not my experience.
prepare for irony....
The first thing that happened this morning is we had to attend a lecture by Proferio, the like head guy at the program and our cute little spanish program guide's boss. So they were telling us yesterday that we needed to bear with the presentation and blah blah blah....OMG THEY WERE NOT KIDDING. This presentation was thirty minutes of unbearable BOREDOM. seriously 30 freaking minutes. I was in physical pain trying to listen to this man, he was droning on and on about stupid things that like an incoming freshman to their university MIGHT (keyword MIGHT) actually care about (like what degrees they offer there and other ridiculously boring statistics). I want to know what we tell foreign exchange students that come to A&M because if it is that boring that person needs to be taken out back and conked. and then I will take over the presentation and make it exciting. And another thing is we learned in culture class that it is incredibly rude to stretch during a lecture or something so not only and i bearing the weight of all this boredom but i'm too scared to move because i'm in the front row and don't want to offend this dude. AHH. dfoighaslfgihad
AND IF THAT WASNT ENOUGH then his colleague got up and gave an equally boring presentation for another thirty minutes. yeah so i started off my morning with a giant heaping of boring.
Then i got to go to my favorite part of spain though (people and language) in the form of my Spanish class!! I think I chose the wrong major. Spanish is a really fun language, and I'm amazed at how much came back to me from middle school. Its freaking sweet! And I cannot get enough of my Spanish teacher. She is just so animated and makes the funniest little noises (weird that even the noises are different in spanish...) and crazy hand gestures. She is the Spanish me!!
Something that is super cool about Spain Spanish that my beautiful friend michelle (bonita amiga) shared with me is they use a "th" for the letters c and z. So we say like gra-sea-as in texas because our closest Spanish neighbor is mexico, they say gra-thee-as. Por Ejamplo: cerveza --> am: ser-vase-a --> spain: there-ve-tha. Kinda of hard to phonetically type out but i hope you get it. Its weird but i like it and will master this sweet lisp thing and sound really cool :).
After that we ate lunch with the program people (including the boring twins) and I met some more friends (yay hehe).
Then we went to Engineering classes where D. Olivera pulled a classic engineering professor move that simultaneously made me really happy and really annoyed (definitely more happy though). Let me just make this clear to all non-engineers out there, there is no such thing as a "syllabus day" in engineering. There are no canceled classes or a first week of just random information or even a first day of here's the syllabus now leave or even i'm just going over the syllabus today. There is "yeah today is going to be easy, I just want to get everyone's phone number written down"...(okay so this should be a short class right?)....first two people start with phone number sheet...professor starts into material.
for anyone who hasn't read this meme, search engineering professor meme. you won't be disappointed :)
So yeah that was a beautiful thing :) hehehe. Good thing I really like Dr. Olivera hehe.
Today was a lot better for afternoon activities because our activity was a tour of this INCREDIBLE cathedral and so there was a TON less walking (I included a picture of a street above because they completely fascinate me) and we were just checking out this sweet cathedral that was so huge. So people here that frequently work with tourists speak english and converse well but i am pretty sure that their vocabulary is limited, which is completely understandable but it means when you go on tours they have limited ways to express things. So what I got out of this cathedral tour was this cathedral is "the most important in all of spain" and "music is very important to the the spanish people" and only if you are very important do you get buried here". I have a feeling this tour was the most important one I went on in all of spain. ehhehehehhehe, i have no room to talk about vocabulary. Even with his limited vocabulario I really enjoyed Paublo and his j. crew stylish dressing :).
This cathedral was a gothic cathedral and it was so tall and everything was so ornate and it was really beautiful. It really made me miss my favorite Catholic freak Kyndall though. I wanted her there when ever three feet I stepped over some dead cardinal (and yes this cathedral did come complete with a crypt as well).
Then after the cathedral I successfully purchased the equivalent of a spanish go-phone. boom, i rock :)
me:"quiero un telephono de samsung"....dude speaks english just fine :/ sfidlghsfkbhv mrack.
So all that came after phone was tapas, and you already heard about that!
Hope everyone is enjoying my adventuras.
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