Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm here!! :)

Buenos Noches and welcome to blog post numero dos! :) hehe I'm kind of already an expert in Spanish (mostly due to my extensive background with portuguese) so just be careful while you are reading, I tend to surprise people!

I'm chilling in my dorm room in Toledo!! By chilling I mean literally chilled because SOMEONE (stefano mano) peer pressured me into turning the air on ENTIRELY too high and since I'm an impressionable girl who has no clue how to do anything in Celsius (metric system? REALLY Spain?? hehe) I was at a complete loss.

So today (yeah the days are super messed up but what seems like this morning...) I said my goodbyes to the most beautiful parents in the world at the Houston airport. It was like leaving for college all over again, my mom did the classic Janet move of trying to find ever possible thing in the world to get me so that I don't have to leave yet. We opted for just sitting on a bench until Steven got there. Then we had but then we had to say our goodbyes and I'm fairly certain the only thing that kept them from crying was steven and his dad just chillin waiting for us to be done.
The flight to Charlotte went perfectly smoothly and steven and I ate lunch quickly because we only had like an hour layover planned....PSYCH!! We were delayed for 6 hours. This is my face wondering "hey US airways are we ever leaving this continent?"
No people, you are not mistaken: that is a disgusting atlanta braves hat on my head. My head was cold and I was desperate.

Finally we were in flight to madrid where some sweet highlights happened of the day:
1. Much to Steven's delight, I watched Star Wars for the first time. And by watched I mean we got like maybe halfway through the film and then steven was tired but so far I like what I see. Who knew Harrison Ford was super good looking when he was young, that Luke Skywalker is SUPER PRECIOUS (totally beats the beibs), or that I could get so many giggles in so little time.
2. I read the sweetest letter ever that Kyndall wrote me. It was so sweet (i think she loves me? hehehehhe) and totally made my day and then I proceeded to read excerpts from her blog that she sent with me. As I was obnoxiously laughing out loud on the plane I became further convinced that Kyndall Mandry is the funniest girl I know. Seriously she is probably reading this blog thinking woah, what a newb. For anyone who ever was privileged enough to read Kyndall's blog and is reading mine now well I'm sorry she holds all the funny for this pair :). hehe. But as she is my best friend I will try to do her justice!

Okay so then I landed in Madrid. Where I came to a few realizations. You know when you're somewhere and they announce something over the loud speakers and you kind of listen in and then they go to some other language and you completely tune out...yeah that other language here is ENGLISH. I have a whole new appreciation for all things that are bilingual. Something for the english elitists out there this should make you feel good: while all the signs are spainish, the only other language listed on signs is english. BOOM. woot.
Realization number two. Middle schoolers are annoying in every country. Fear not, preteens here think they are just as cool and important to the world as preteens in america do. Good to know narcissism is universal. :) hehe
Realization number 3...people in europe are short. the end.

So what was super cool about my intense layover delay is that instead of arriving in Madrid at 6 am and just trolling the airport I arrived at 1pm (and if you aren't declaring anything you just walk right out into, good grief) and hung out with fellow A&M's til 4 when our trip guides (they are super precious) picked us up and took us to Toledo.

So we get to Toledo and its so pretty and the whole city is surrounded by a wall which I thought was really neat so I took a picture of it hehe

Also please explain to me (maggie fleming) how and entire city is uphill!! We walked up so many hills it was insane ahhhh, my calves were burning but it was kind of great hehe.
I like passed out when we got to the dorms:

After we got room assignments (I'm in a single because I get to live with a host family woot!!) Steven, Brynnan, my new friend Adam and I went out walking around in (parents avert your eyes or pretend this isn't happening) Toledo.
So as a tall person from Texas I seriously never understood the use of teenie tiny cars. Mini Coopers actually have a purpose in this city! Well they are not only for teenie tiny europeans but also the streets here are ridiculously narrow! There is a fun new game that we invented called jump-into-doorways-when-cars-come-by-because-people-want-to-drive-where-you-are-walking-and-this-isn't-texas-A&M-so-you-actually-have-to-move. Its really adrenaline packed and totally fun!! hehe. here's an example of a doorway (it reminded me of La Catrina for all you Spanish telenovela buff's out there):

fun fact: sketchiness in spain does not equal delicious breakfast tacos.

Also the first meal I had in Spain the whole trip group all went out to eat at a Chinese food restaurant. Don't ask questions, we did not plan this and yes I took pictures of my food anyway.
Course 1: Spring Roll
^^thats lettuce up there people^^

Course 2: fried rice

Course 3: GO MEAT! its chicken!

Also regular dinner time is like 8:30 in Spain so we didn't even get out of this restaurant until like 10:30 then I came home and showered and called my mom and now I'm writing this post!!

Thanks for all you followers out there :) Hope I'm keeping you entertained!!
I AM HAVING A COMPLETE BLAST AND I AM JUST SO EXCITED TO BE HERE AND I CAN'T STOP SMILING!!!!!!!! :) just thought you all should know that too hehe.


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