Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tu eres la leche

Oh my poor little blog followers; you must feel so deprived hehehe! well i have been in Portugal since friday afternoon. I didn't bring my computer because it takes up a lot of room and is rather heavy and when you have to carry all your own luggage well, things get knocked off hehe. So i am rettibly sorry to have been out of touch for the past few days!! Here is a recount of my portugal adventuras!

So one of our tour guides was wearing this shirt that had Don Quixote (that dude is FREAKING HUGE in spain) on the front and then on the back the shirt it said tu eres la leche..... we all just chalk it up to okay this guy is weird..whatever. Well actually when you say tu eres la leche (which leterally translates into you are the milk) in spain you are basically saying they are awesome. boom, title of post explained! :) hehehe

So today we left for lisbon. We left at 6AM in the morning on the bus; it was not cool; very not cool. but on our way to Lisbon we stopped in a town called Evora and checked out the old city there. I really enjoy how all of our tour guides give us not so subtle political commentary while telling us what is going on in whatever landmark we are in. Basically i found out portugal is poor and no one can get a job......thanks tour guide lady. maybe it has something to do with the fact that your entire country takes like 2 hours to drive across. i'm not even in college station from san antonio in 2 hours, but i can get to the atlantic ocean in portugal.....yeah conquer spain then we'll talk portugal.

but before we got the the old city in Evora we went through this beautiful garden! and way to go portugal you're so rocking you don't have just any old pigeons walking through your gardens....DO SIREE. what do they have just wandering around? PEACOCKS. ahhhhhh freaking sweet.
i stalked the male so i could get something interesting.

So Evora was pretty sweet; it was a roman city so we saw an old temple built to honor the roman goddess diana:
This girl and I shorts matched....now we are friends? hehe

There were things left from the renaissance too:

As with all cities I have visited in Europe this one was on a hill and there fore had some great views:

Something unique to lovely portugal though is their love for cork. yes cork. "CORK WORLD IS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS?!" is not a phrase you would hear like ever in portugal i'm pretty sure. sorry future house mates, i did not buy us any coasters....which seems a little foolish not that i look back on it, but i don't think they were that cheap and european coasters was just a little too uppity for my taste... :) hehe
one of you may receive a fabulous cork purse though?
lets see....who do i hate most? hehehehhe jk i didn't purchase one of these RARE TREASURES.

random note: so while i wait for my pictures to upload i a looking at gap.com, the model this season has red hair and she is working a fedora :( WHY CAN'T I WORK THE FEDORA?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? ugh this has to be the greatest disappointment in all of europe and still haunts me :(

So after we checked out Evora we drove to Lisbon where i took a nap!!!!!!!! :) woot; yay then we went out to eat at night and sort of checked out Lisbon.

Also to go eat we had to take the metro. Let me just say that while is Portugal, Brynnan Fink and I have MASTERED the metro. I think we should definitely get one of these things in texas. they are like super duper fun and totally easy and just the bomb. way to go metro.

So that was Day 1 in portugal....I was there for 3 more days so i will work on getting all the fun times conveyed to you lovely followers! :)

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